Tuesday 12 August 2014

ITO Coated Glass Slides TIX003 Series

ITO Coated Glass Slides TIX003  Series :

Description :
L x W x Thickness : 75mm × 25mm × 1.1mm
Surface Resistivity : ~10 ohms/sq
Transmittance  : 83% (Nominal at 550nm)

What ITO Coating on a glass stands for?

ITO – is a Indium Tin Oxide, it is a solution of Tin Oxide – SnO2 and Indium Oxide – In2O3 in the desired ratio of 90% In2O3, 10% SnO2 by weight. This solution results in the transparent and colorless thin layers which vary from yellowish to grey.

Physical Properties of Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) Glass Slides : 

Configuration – ITO on Passivation layer on Glass
Substrate – Soda lime glass / Float Glass
    Surface finished of glass – Single Sided polished
    Passivation layer thickness – Silicon dioxide (~25nm)
    ITO coating method – Magnetron sputtering at ~300°C under vacuum condition
    ITO work function – 4.8~4.9eV (measured by UPS) after proper cleaning
    Surface Roughness – RMS1~10 nm, depend on various product

Sources :
1) http://www.techinstro.com/ito-glass
2) http://www.techinstro.com/

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